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Rajpurohit Yuva Sangh - Rangeelo Rajasthan - Kheteshwar Vandana

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Rajpurohit Yuva Sangh - Members

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

"Sant Shri Tulacharam Ji Maharaj"

"Sant Shri Tulacharam Ji Maharaj"

Birth Date : September 3, 1952 (Vikram Samavat 2009 Bhadrapada Suklapaksa Chaturdashi - Wednesday)

Father : Shri Pratapsingh Ji Rajpurohit (Panchalod)

Mother : Shrimati Lahari Devi

Birth Place : Indrana Village,

Tehsil : Sivana, Badmer (Rajasthan State)

Vairagya : Since Childhood

Guru : Bramhalin Sant Shri 1008 Shri Khetaram Ji Maharaj

Chadar Festival : By Sant Shiromani Shri Atmanand Ji Maharaj, by the consent of Rajpurohit Samaj as

Gadipati of Brahmavatar Sant Shri 1008 Khetaram Ji Maharaj.

Specialty : Ghor Tapaswi

Gadipadi - Bramhadham Asotara - Samadhi of Sant Shri Khetaram Ji Maharaj (Vaikuntha Dham)

Developed the First Statue and laid foundation of Kheteshwar Vidyapith with all Vidhi's.

celebrating Sant Shri 1008 Kheteshwarji anniversary

Awarded Leading students of Rajpurohit Samaj.

Handling of Many Goushala.

Every year provision of "Netra Chikitsa Shivir" (Eye Camps)

May 18, 2002 : Passed an order for Development of Rajpurohit Samaj and community and also made it compulsory to follow for entire community for upliftment and betterment of the society.


Unknown said...

jaye khetarmej ke jaye ho.

mahavirsingh said...

jai katesher data r sa

Anonymous said...

jaye hoooooooooo

Unknown said...

jai shri kheta ram ji maharaj ki.Samaj ko sad marg per le ja rehe mannniy shri tulsharam ji ko sadar naman.Raj purohit samaj ke uthan me jo bhumika pujy kheteshewar data ki rahi hai uske liye pura samaj aapni aajivan karjdar rahega.jai data ri or jai shri rathunath ji ki sa.

veer singh said...

jai raghu nath ji ri sa

veer singh said...

jai raghu nath ji sa

Nagraj Rajpurohit said...

jay ho gurudev ki...........

Nagraj Rajpurohit said...

dhanay ho data........

Unknown said...

Jay ho data